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Image by Brooke Cagle


Termin realizacji projektu zbliża się wielkimi krokami i potrzebujesz natychmiastowego wsparcia w krótkim czasie? Oto szybki mecz. Dzięki naszym specjalistom wykonasz pracę terminowo, bez konieczności związania się z nimi na stałe.

Fast match

Selected and experienced specialists dedicated to your project.


Cost optimization

Cost-cutting - acquiring a candidate costs from 20 to 60 thousand. Time-saving costs associated with recruiting new team members


Long-term cooperation

Long-term cooperation is our specialty. We support the development of our clients' strategic projects.


Agile project management

We support you in managing the team, which has a dedicated guardian. Your profit - a satisfied client and another success story in the portfolio.

The Right Staff sp. z o.o.

ks. Witolda 49/15
50-202 Wroclaw

KRS 0000539715

NIP 9151793931

Regon 360600882


+48 692 240 535

©2015-2024 - The Right Staff - Global Staffing Solutions

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